In 2012 the actor Peter Capaldi made a BBC4 film called ‘Cricklewood Greats’ about a fictious film studio. But in fact, for many years there was a real studio in Cricklewood which made silent films. Sir Oswald Stoll (1866-1942) was born in Melbourne as Oswald Gray, the son of Irish parents. After his father died when he was three years old, Oswald and his mother Adelaide left Australia for Liverpool, where she married John George Stoll, the Danish owner of a small music hall. Oswald left school to help his mother and older brother run the business when his stepfather died in 1880. Oswald showed good business skills; first he purchased a theatre in Cardiff, later expanding to buy theatres in towns up and down the country. In 1899 he merged with his main rivals to form Moss Empires, who controlled most of the theatres in the country. In 1904 Stoll built the Coliseum, still the largest theatre in London. Oswald Stoll, 1922 Oswald Stoll had over 30-years’ experience of music halls and thea...
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